Tuesday, February 17, 2004


I am now officially boycotting the use of his nickname in anticipation of the headlines this season that will be markedly worse than this post's title.

My favorite moment of the Yankees press conference introducing Rodriguez actually happened before the formal presentation. During the warmup, YES Network darlings and baseball's cutest couple Michael Kay and Suzyn Waldman had the following exchange regarding the position controversy:

Kay: What people forget, Suzyn, is Derek Jeter is a darn good shortstop. They're not gonna move him off shortstop for anybody.

Waldman: Here's the interesting thing, when did Derek Jeter become not a good shortstop? When did this happen? Where were we?

Someone send Suzyn an e-mail posthaste pointing to Avkash's Amazing Amalgamation of the best defensive metrics out there into one easy to swallow number. But expect a reply like "Here's the interesting thing, when did snail mail become not an efficient method of information transfer? When did this happen? Where was I?"

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